Re: how I can use cheat engine?

hi, here's a guide written by Bran.
Bran, (audiogame) here with cheat engine tips and tricks
Greetings community,
In this file, I will try to go through using cheat engine with locking of variables and maybe something more.
You can use the double plus sign to move through the different sections of this file.
Now, on with it.

When people want to use cheat engine, one of the most common questions we get is, "What version should I use?" Well. The answer, truely is which ever version you want. I, personally, find myself using version 6.7, and very rarely 7.0 of cheat engine due to the more clean process opening window. Some versions of cheat engine will show you processes and dll files as well as the actual game name, so you'd have to be careful not to open the wrong thing.

Downloading cheat engine is pretty simple. You can either go to the site,, or go to and search for a version of cheat engine you may want to download.
An example of a google search would be.
cheat engine 7.0 portable download
The reason I use portable is because if you do this, avast, the pain in the rear, will not install. An installation of avast is very annoying to remove and you may need sighted assistance to remove it. Just play it safe and use portable versions if possible.

++getting started with opening your game process
So, in order to cheat a game, you'll need a game to, well, cheat, open. You do not have to, but I recommend running the game before running cheat engine's process selecting window.
Lets say you want to cheat tbr, (the blood rain). Launch the game, tbr, and then follow these steps. Make sure to pause the game, you may die if you do not if an enemy shoots at you and your not paying attention.
First open your process. Do this by pressing alt on the screen you get when you run cheat engine. Now go down a couple times until you reach an option that says
Open Process  o
Click on this, and you will be shown with the process selecting window. Here, you can select a process, attach debuggers to it, and other fancy things which we won't talk about in this guide. tab around, until you find a process list.
It will just say list, and show an address.
So its tbr you want in this example, so look for something like this.
000031FC-The blood rain v1.1
That shows an address, followed by the window title you have of the running game. Press enter on it, and you'll be good to go.
Now you'll find yourself in the window where the real editing and stuff happens. The easiest way to reach the edit box where you enter your values is by shift tabbing about 8 times. You'll hear two combo boxes, one saying
4 Bytes  collapsed
And once more another box saying
Exact Value  collapsed
And one more shift tab will lead you to the edit box that's blank and has no title. It will say edit.
Now onto cheating

++cheating and modifying variables
Pause your tbr game. I hope you did this already but yeah.
Now I know for a fact that tbr's default health is 500, so in that edit box where you find yourself now, type 500 with nothing, no number signs, no quotes, no anything. Just the numbers 5, 0, 0.
Now press enter. It should play a windows sound and say <value> selected where value is a number you last entered.
Epic score. You did it I think. Now, go get shot, or use an item that changes your health.
Getting shot by a standard enemy does some damage, so just go find an enemy, let it shoot you once or twice, run away, check your health, and pause the game. Remember this value so you can alt tab back to cheat engine and enter it in that box with the last value you entered in it. Make sure to clear the number here, and type your new health.
I picked up an health increasing item and then got shot, so my new value for health is 636. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as your health changes.
Go back into the box and enter it.
I clear 500 and type 636
It will do the window sound and selected number speaking thing again.
Now. Tab forward about 4 or 5 times until you find a list that just says list.
This list is where the different address values you can modify are. If you use your up and down arrow keys in this list, you will hear something like this.
043643AC; 636; 636  1 of 1
If your using a higher version of cheat engine, you can just press control and e, to just straight up edit the value. It will say
Change value
and bring up an edit box with a number in it.
Type your new value. I will enter 5000 just because there are things in this game that do over 500 damage.
After doing this, it will put you back in the address list with the address you are focussed on being the one you just changed.
Go back into your game window and check your health now. Unpause and check health.
If you did it right, it will tell you your new health, (in my case 5000), and your shielded shots.
Now for locking and loading, ha'ha.

++locking values
Lets say you like having 5000 health and don't want it changed because who wants to die?
Well, this can be achieved.
Go into that address list where you last were, focus on the address you changed before, and press the applications key on it. This is either shift f10, or just context menu located to the left of your right control key, (on my computer).
You will find yourself in a list where you can do all sorts of epic score things with the address, browsing regions, editing memory, etc etc. As I said before, we will not be talking about all this here as this is a simple getting started guide and those things are not for beginners or even low intermediates.
All your looking for in here is the option
Add selected addresses to the addresslist  a
Click on this and you'll be returned back to the address list where you were before.
Now, this is where you need to pay close attention if you are using a screen reader and can't see anything on screen. There is an area, when you tab like 3 times from this address list, saying things like
No description 043643AC 4 Bytes 5000
If you are locking a bunch of values in here, you'll need to remember where they are in a list format. If you use arrow keys, you will be moving around this list, but for some reason screen readers do not speak this list. So since this is you first variable your locking, press home once.
Now, press the space bar once.
Nothing will be said, but it will happen magically. Just unpause the blood rain, and get shot. I dare you.
If this worked properly, you will be imortal. Literally. As soon as you take damage, your health, or whatever variable was just changed will rechange to its locked state.

++editing a locked variable
Now this is not too hard, but I will go through it anyway. Say you want to change your health from 5000 to something like maybe 10000.
Go to this unreadable list where we were before and click context menu on the value you want to change.
There, once again, are a bunch of things in here for advanced discussion.
Look for
Change record  subMenu  c
Press right arrow. Now you can change a bunch of things with the variable including type and more, not important for here. Now look for
Value    Enter  v
Click on this and you will be taken to an edit box.
You will be shown the value of your health or the variable you selected. So if its health, it shows me 5000 because that's what I used in my example.
Now, delete this value, and type a new one.
I entered 10000 and hit escape to return me back to the unreadable list.
I don't know why, but apparently enter doesn't do anything, so just press escape and don't worry about it.
Now your health value will have changed, but not the locked state of it. So it should remain locked unless you accidently unlocked it. Remember, lock toggle is the spacebar.

Now feel free to repeat the steps above on anything that can be locked, this can be done to ammo, clips, items, and everything. Yes you can make a gun have an infinite clip. Epic right? Just follow the steps above and you'll get there. First value, new value, list, change address, add address to list, go to the unreadable list, press end to ignore all other variables there, and applications to change record, then v for value, enter new value, for a clip I usually enter the max of the clip, so for the pistol its 14, and press escape. Press space to lock it, and boom.

This is pretty much it for modification of variables with cheat engine. Its not as difficult as it all sounds, and once you read these instructions a few times, you'll be good to go.
I will below, include a slightly more advanced example of modifying values in cheat engine. Please note, if you do not want to know the following, do not read this coming up. I am writing out this example here because I feel that everyone has the right to know how to do it.
So with that being said

++the modification of an online coordinate in cheat engine
So, first what you need to do is set the second combo box, or the combo box that says 4 bites, to float. Hit down arrow twice for this action.
Next, do a regular cheat engine scan. The way I do it, is x first, y second, then your z. Do this like you'd do normal scan. That is, scan your value, move, and scan it again.
Next, you should get less than 10 addresses in the list, just try these all until you get the affect you want, so let's say you want to move from y 10 to 1200, you'll hear ambience change, (if you are using redspot's main map). When you find the address that works, hit shift f10, and press add selected addresses to address list a.
Do this for your x, y, and z.
Now just change these values like normal in that unreadable list if you want to move yourself. In a game like redspot this would be useful to move around the sky islands. This does not prevent cheat detection, so if you get found out, then just note that I warned you, if only slightly.
And that, is a more advanced example of what you can do with different variables.

What you can do with variables and cheat engine on its own is/are pretty much unlimited up to a certain point. You just need to know what your doing, especially with a program such as cheat engine since you can break memories and processes horribly if you don't know what your doing.
So folks, that'll be it from me at this point. If, for some reason, you really really, want to know about lua scripts, and more advanced things in cheat engine, please feel free to contact me by finding me somewhere, or sending me an email or skype or using forum pm or something. Contact info is below.

++contact info
forum name: audiogame
other aliases I go by: threlm, the htw something or other, where something or other is replaced by some random name. Dragbot. Arkonoff. Abran. Some colored star, bluestar, firestar usually, etc. Note, I am not the only one who goes by some of these names, so make sure to ask the person you find if they are bran, just to be safe.
Better nate than lever right?

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