Re: some programming questions

I'd actually point people at Django if they're newbies.  Flask has its place but you get a lot more out of Django for free that's valuable for this kind of thing, and as many tutorials as you could want for using it.  That and sqlalchemy is kind of a brick to the brain, and you don't really have that many other good options.

But in all honesty, for someone completely new, Dart and Flutter works on the backend and the frontend, and to my surprise it's accessible enough that we now have one audiogame written in it, so in hindsight I probably should have just pointed them at that flat out.  Can do everything in just one programming language, instead of 3 or 4.

My heuristic for this at a non-newbie level is "Do I want the Django admin" combined with "do I want DRF".  And usually you do want the Django admin, because you can't beat free accessible dashboards.  And if you know DRF you can get everything you've ever wanted in a rest API by installing it and switching settings on.  I have literally written a Rest API for 20 or so entities in 3 hours with this stack, and if that hadn't been the craziest job interview ever, I'd have put in another hour and had non-programmer-friendly backend dashboards.  But unfortunately the learning curve on DRF is insane, more like a learning cliff.  Nonetheless it's hard to justify Flask beyond tiny one-file microservices, because you end up reinventing or hunting for lots of wheels eventually, and so the trade-off is ease of learning versus ease of literally everything after you've learned it once.  Except that while you can learn Flask in an hour or two, you then have to find and learn all the supporting libraries for the things it intentionally doesn't offer.

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