lets talk about nutrition and its impact on nearly everything

So, for the past couple of years I have been more physically active and I cannot thank my friends enough for their recommendations and for all of the changes that alone has brought into my life
I also have arrived at some conclusions and I invite you to watch two informative videos. Thy will be well worth your time, I promise

This first one is about a field of research that has been recent but it totally awestruck me. Nutrition impacts the brain and the rest of the body in huge and unforeseen ways. And the second one is also just as interesting, is solid proof that nor energy drinks or bars or whatever will probably not make you a better athlete, so you need caution and a balance, just as you do when you think about your nutrition.
The takeaways for me from all of this are that we do really need to value what the earth is giving us right now, more than ever. It takes care of us, there is a reason why people call it mother nature. Also, the way the fruits grow and why ripe taste much better than green fruit that still has to mature are just as amazing. Too bad this does not really get taught at schools.

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