Re: pissed off about accessibility guides

Thanks Jayde. I get you're "cringing" but . I know it sounds like I'm going off in 100 directions cuz it is a lot of things. I'm getting angry because 20 people in this thread are literally assuming how PTSD works when I'm trying to criticize an organization for spreading literal lies, and the consequences that has for accessibility

Let me explain in another way.

First off. I don't WANT these kinds of organizations assuming what is best for disabled people. I know I said stupid crap about accessibility in 2015 and that's the exact reason why I'm against this kind of thing.

Second, I don't want these organizations spreading literal pop psychology lies that they should be held accountable for as a disability organization. This is a serious issue

These are things that we SHOULD be angry about and are things we can actively fight against by calling it out where it exists. And I don't think talking to them via email is the way to do it because then they have control over the situation and can file you away. This has happened to me repeatedly. This isn't going to resolve by just sending them an angry email.

As I stated previously, a major problem with this is because PTSD is an invisible disability they will often assume if you have a complaint like this that if you are not a representative that you're faking it. So most people with PTSD basically.

Third, I think we should be critical and call out major companies that exploit accessibility for press, like what Naughty Dog did, because again, unless they can prove that a blind person contributed directly to the work on the games like people do here, they are just doing what they should have done for 20 years and making a shit ton of money off of it. Yes, they did a good job, but we should also call out their marketing team for this.

Fourth, I am proposing that accessibility be pulled away from design-patterns, which is what the site is proposing, and instead redesigning how we approach UIs in general. This means instead of saying, this is how you must interact with a game, and we make more use cases to adapt for blind people

I don't see whats unreasonable about any of these and why they are "

What I don't understand is why when I reached out to people with motor disabilities and various mental illnesses they all agreed with my criticisms but blind people seem hostile to these ideas. Is it because I posted "cringe"? Do you think these issues not impact these other groups? Do you not interact with other disabled people outside of blind communities?

I would appreciate it if you explained why you think I'm "cringe" because I think a lot of it has more to do with you not being aware of how this impacts other disabilities and the image at large rather than me actually being "cringe". I'm discussing with my support group who also were as angry as I was about how to explain this better in this thread.

For instance, you claim that PTSD is not helped by trigger warnings (i.e., they're sort of pointless). For some people, that's absolutely true.

What, according to twitter? Jayde, remember how stupid I was in 2015 and I literally used to lecture blind people how their fucking brains work? How do you think you sound here? This is exactly what I'm talking about!

It's not that content warnings can't EVER be useful, its that PTSD literally does NOT WORK THAT WAY.

For example, the other night I heard a rustling sound and it triggered a random memory. It's literally unpredictable, making trigger warnings effectively useless. THIS IS A COMMON MISCONCEPTION ABOUT PTSD. To see a disability organization promote this is socially dangerous, because it makes it sound like you can prevent these things by telling us how to organize our lives.

Its like when sighted people tell you how to use your software, do you get it? I'm sorry for getting emotional here but you're literally talking over me because you think you know how everything works.

My partner is assembling some journals to hopefully demonstrate why this view of PTSD is so incorrect and damaging to people.

However, from my study of the disorder, it appears to manifestly uniquely among sufferers, to the extent that there is literally no one-size-fits-all solution in cases like this. The same must also be true for other disabilities.

Obviously. And this is why I propose that we reject design-pattern based accessibility and instead encourage the development of environments that have customizable UIs.

This is a solution I've been proposing for months now but people still act like I'm saying "lol just rearrange the design practices!" No. No. No no no no no. ffs

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