new survive the wild guide.

This is brought to you by the awesome, like really awesome, kingof-fite

Just kidding, of course. Or am I?
Side note, sorry for the over dramatic guide sections sometimes, just feeling pretty energetic so yea?
Hello and welcome to this random survive the whiled guide I decided to make after seeing a very old, very incomplete one on here.
To not be a failure at this, I have decided to create a new account. Free of course. To go through the game and explain it in text. My memory is bad!
So without any more babbling, here we go!
*Deep, short whoosh with a small chiming sound thrown in*
Alrighty. We'll assume you have downloaded the game and created your account. if you did not, go download the game
with this very cool link, yes?
then go through the process of installing it. Of course, don't run the game automatically, unselect the option that runs it for you, then click the finish button. Go to the .exe file and run it as administrator the first time.
Alright, now it's self explanatory

logged in

Okay, we'll assume you've logged in by now and are curious. Uh what am I doing?
Once you log in the first time you are in the Mainland island/.
We suggest you don't log on exactly yet just so you don't die while reading.

Okay, time for some location stuff.

If you don't want to read this section, press h. I suggest you read it anyways though.
To the far south of this island, where you start off, is a beach. To the south of that is an ocean. Traveling south of that ocean will lead to a deeper ocean from which you can use a boat and paddle to go to the fishing village, while from the less deep ocean you can go all east to an abandoned mine.
When you go all south and row, You need to be trying not to get eaten by dangerous not so scary sharks.
After that, You need to travel through an annoying marsh, continue rowing, through a damaging city which can kill you, to the fishing village. Of course, if you have a friend or 2 who are willing to row with you it'll be much faster.
To the north is a weed pile which has pythons everywhere. Yikes. To the north of that, there is a desert which leads to a camping ground, which is where you mainly get metal, I believe. There is also a cave under the pond which is very dangerous not in bats or whatever but in walls and gaps etcetera.
Outside the camping ground a bit to the east is a spring. It's very safe to drink from, so take a long, refreshing drink.
To the east of the mainland is a mountain you can climb, which holds a few quests. It is populated by polar bears. If there are caves there they might have boars, but I don't know never went there much. To the west there is a swamp that as far as I know leads nowhere. Maybe I haven't explored it enough though.

Actually getting to work now.

Okay, you can log on now.
Okay. Now to open your inventory, refered  to as bag) press I.
*bag open sound*

Quick inventory guide,

You navigate with the up and down arrow keys like in the menus, excluding the side scrollers if you've already gone into the options(more on that later)
You hold things with your left or right hand with the left or right arrow key. I'm pretty sure you can figure it out. left and right?
Anyways, You can reorder your item list with alt up and down arrow. This will rearrange your bag so the item will go up or down in the list. Say you have pen and paper, if you went to paper at the end of the inventory and pressed alt home or alt up arrow you'd have paper and pen.
You can see your inventory's categories with tab and shift tab. Those can range from weapons to addictives like cigarettes and alcohol etcetera.
Okay, back to game play, Once you have opened your inventory press left arrow. This will hold your survival pack (most important item for a newbie if they don't want to be hardcore dead people) with your left hand.
Now close your bag with escape. A good key to learn about is the number 3.
You are holding survival_pack in your left hand, nothing in your right, and you have nothing drawn.
As you just saw it will show you what you are holding with your hands and which you can use with space, alt space, etcetera.
Press 1. This will use your left hand, and now you have survival_pack drawn. Press t.
You will get this message,
You dig your fingers into the soft cardboard, grab the tape, and rip! Then you with some effort, manage to rip the flaps on the card board box open... Ah, what nice stuff! A knife and a watch, a radio for communication, string for many purposes, cups for liquid storage, rods or spits to spear food on and cook it hands free, a small number of little devices used to start fires with very little effort, a couple packages of universal batteries for anything that needs power, a small revolver with a few bullets, a full water bottle, some towels to keep dry, flairs and matches for signaling and fire starting, a package of medical items, some glue to build things, some simple protein bars for quick eating, and last but not least, several dehydrated meal kits you can prepare for not the best tasting but very nourishing food.
now, press i again and press w. You will see wallet.
Hold it with any hand. Close your bag, and use 1 if you hold it in the left hand or 2 in the right.
Press space when you have drawn it. this will get 50 coins from the wallet into your bag
okay, now press i and keep opening your packages and bags so you will be good with stw life, yes?
Don't forget, t to open them. Also open up your band aids
Now, open your water bottle. i, move to it, hold it, press escape and press t
Now hold the open water bottle with a hand, draw it and press space to drink. Be sure to check your thirst and hunger with u, s, and e. These will check hunger, thirst and energy respectively. If you're 200 to 300 you need to drink up in a while because the weather can be nasty and you will be to 1000 in no time. Otherwise, still safe for a while more. Also press w to check your temperature. If you are cold, better wear your clothing. Just hold them draw them and press space. Otherwise, might as well stay the way you are. Heh.
You will need to check this often, preferably every 5 minutes or so.
Press c to see your worn clothing
Okay, now time to teach you about some more stuff.
press K. This is an important key as it will locate your nearby resources, such as sand, wood, rock, dirt, water sources, trees, etcetera.
Navigate until you see something like
shallow water in front and slightly off to the right, about 27 tiles away.
press enter. You will see tracking.
Press n to see where you need to go, while traveling towards it.
Once you reach it, draw your water container once more and press space. This will fill it up with water, as water is not infinite in this game.
Once you see something like
Too much water! Your water container name can't hold that much! You are forced to drop some!
Then you can stop. To drink on water, press alt space.
Okay, now go a bit north, like maybe 10 up arrow presses and go left until you reach a clay resource. You will here it pretty squishy. If you are on dirt, press up until you reach it, it shouldn't be that far
now undraw everything, or use an empty hand. Press space. This key is used to gather resources.
Gather 10 clay. By now, I don't need to tell you to check your inventory or do thing I just discussed, so please reread the previous sections if you don't understand(though I might slip and say it anyways heh)
Now after you get 10 clay, go to your clay in your inventory and press left and right arrow . This will take 2 clay in both of your hands.
Close your bag and press t.
*oddly glass thing rolling like sound*
Congratulations! You have just created your first pot

Brief explanation

Pots are easier to get than water bottles. So you can create about 100 if you are a free account, and more if you are a payed one. All those pots will allow you to store more water on them. Plus, it is faster when you drink from them.
Oh and plus it lets you make tea. And soup. I think.

Back to first pot thing.

Okay, keep doing the clay+clay thing until you have 5 pots or more if you decide to get more than 10 clay.
Now go and refill them from the convenient water nearby.
Great, you have a bunch of pots now which can potentially hold more water than your average water bottle!!!

moving on

Now, go right until you reach the grass surface(if you don't see it and instead see dirt go north(up))
Now set to work getting grass from the ground. As much as you can without running out of time for hunger. Treat it same as thirst.
Now open your bag and draw a fire starter. Press space. It will start a fire. Quickly, open your bag and keep throwing grass in the fire. As much as you've gathered.
After that, press m. This is your items menu. Check your fire more than 100 health will last for a while depending on the amount. close the menu. open your bag. If you haven't filled up your pots, be sure to do it now. Grab a pot in one hand and draw it. keep pressing space. You will hear the water boiling and you will see after,
The water is now boiling!
now open your bag. grab a meal kit with your left hand and the pot of boiling water with your right hand
Press t to poor them together. Now you can eat your meal kit, it's called etible_meal_kit. Eat it if you are hungry.
You will be a bit thirsty, there should still be some water in the pot. So drink up.

Ending for now

I have spent about an hour on this so I will end it here. I promise I will update this guide with more content. If I don't within a week, I might have forgotten. You are free to spam me with house elves if I do forget it. luck!

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