I'm quickly losing patience with torn city's new layout, and this next issue might actually clinch it for me altogether, which is kind of sad since I've invested quite a bit of time and have hundreds of millions of dollars in merchandise and equipment and so on I am just going to give up, but I honestly see no way around it.  The interface is cluttered, the website randomly chooses weather or not you're viewing it like a mobile application or a regular webpage on a computer, and the various HTML aspects that made it easy to navigate in the past, such as radio buttons and tables are no longer available, which means wading through a list of prisoners at the jail rather than being able to jump to an area of interest, or having to use the find feature to search for and jump to a crime by text rather than simply hitting r to get to it.

While there is much more that irritates me, nothing can compare to not being able to use my bazaar.  I do not see any links or otherwise that will allow me to add or remove items, which takes away a means of making money, and one I spent cash on.  Before I email the dev, however, I'd like to know if anyone else plays torn city and has a bazaar, and if it is still accessible to you.  If so, how do you get to these areas?  Are there links?  Clickable text?  What am I missing?  This issue has been driving me up the wall for the past couple of weeks, since firstly I want to edit the entry on the database and get on with other things, but also, because I don't want to continue paying for something I obviously can't use to the fullest extent, and since this seems to be a major change, I'd appreciate some feedback.  Sure, the price is cheap, but $5 is still $5 that can be better spent elsewhere or saved for a rainy day.

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