Re: My immigration. Reasons, plans and thoughts

Jonikster, if you're worried about crime, then Canada is a better choice than America. Wanna know why? One word. Guns.
Oh, you'll still get crime in Canada. There's no getting around it. But Canadians, by and large, don't have guns except for hunting, which means things like random shootings are far less common. Big cities can still have higher crime rates, but they're absolutely nothing on America's gun violence.
It's also a bit easier to emigrate to Canada than it is to the United States.

But Canlorn is right. He's not saying you will absolutely, categorically never be able to immigrate. He's saying it will be difficult. Think of it like this. You wanting to come to a country is not, by itself, anywhere close to enough of a reason for that country to accept you. If you don't show signs of actually being employable, then the country knows you're going to need help, and essentially drain its resources a little.
Imagine this. I owns a guitar shop, where I'm selling guitars for a hundred dollars each (just work with me here). Someone with a dime in his pocket walks into the shop and says, "Please sell me a guitar for a dime. I can't play much right now, but I really, really want to learn, and when I'm a rock star, I'll come back here and pay you the rest of the money." Do you think I'm going to sell him a guitar for a dime on good faith?
The answer is no. If I did that, eventually my store would be unable to sustain itself. And sure, some people really would go on to become rock stars, and some of those might even come back to give me the money like they said they would. But most probably wouldn't, which means it's a failed investment. Knowing this, as a business owner, I'd be silly to take an offer like that.
So when you go to a country and say that you really, really want to be a scriptwriter, that country is going to look at you and essentially say, "Yeah, okay, that's cool and all, but wish and want don't put food on the table. How are you going to support yourself?"
The country you want to live in is dealing from a position of power, and has all the cards. Rather than having to find a good reason to deny you, it's the other way round. You have to find a good reason for them -not to deny you. And I'm telling you right now, with the knowledge and experience you have right here and now, you are going to have a hell of a time getting into any of the countries you want to live in. You might strike lucky, but I doubt it. Immigration is a huge deal. It often requires money, a lawyer and several years of your time and patience. But hey, don't take my word for it. Go talk to an immigration lawyer and see what they tell you.

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