Funny Interaction with Google Voice Assistant, and Alexa

So I have been using one of these assistant for quite a lot of time, and I thought to share some funny questions, these will also give more ideas to users who like to do some interaction or fun with their voice assistant. I will not be giving answers to these questions because I don't want to ruin it for those who haven't tried asking these yet. So here goes. Also, I will be editing this post if I find something new and is cool.

• Alexa, are you a robot? You can also ask her what she scored on the Turing test, which is a test developed by Alan Turing to determine if an artificial intelligence is indistinguishable from a human.
• Alexa, how much do you weigh? Yes, she can wax philosophical.
• Alexa, where Is Chuck Norris? If there is a Turing test for a sense of humor, it has to be about Chuck Norris, right?
• Alexa, what is your favorite animal? Remember, it is important to get to know your A.I.
• Alexa, what is your favorite movie? And I highly suggest you watch it!
• Alexa, which phone is the best? It's funny to ask Siri and get a "You are kidding, right?" answer, but Alexa's response is better.
• Alexa, what are the three laws of robotics? You'll get the expected answer here, but it is still quite impressive.
• Alexa, up up down down left right left right b a start. This might belong in the Easter Egg section, but it also may be the funniest answer Alexa gives to a question or (in this case) a command.
Fun Tricks for Alexa
It's obvious the programmers have a lot of fun coming up with answers to some of these questions, but there are a few areas where Alexa goes beyond just a flippant answer and displays some serious skills. Here are a few of the cooler tricks she can perform:

• Alexa, can you beatbox? Spoiler alert, she sounds a little nerdy.
• Alexa, can you rap? She's a better rapper than a beatboxer.
• Alexa, can you sing a song? She actually has a few different songs she can sing. You can also simply say, "Alexa, sing a song."
• Alexa, can you sing Happy Birthday to me? You can also wish her a "Happy Birthday" and she'll sing to herself.
• Alexa, tell me a joke. You can keep repeating this one for different jokes. You can also ask her for a dirty joke and get the expected kid-friendly version of dirty jokes or say. "Alexa, knock knock." But don't give Alexa that command around your six-year-old unless you are a real fan of hearing knock-knock jokes all night.
• Alexa, what is pi? She can calculate more decimal points than most of us.
• Alexa can you tell me a fact about... You can ask this one about dogs, cats, birds, etc. She has a number of facts stored about each of these, so you can keep asking. If you ask her to "tell me about dogs" instead of asking for a fact about dogs, she'll give you a Wikipedia-based answer.
• Alexa, play Jeopardy. This is where we get into some serious tricks. Alexa has a number of games she can play from Twenty Questions to Runescape.
The Best Easter Eggs Hidden in Alexa Answers
• Alexa, I want the truth.
• Alexa, what is the meaning of life?
• Alexa, winter is coming. She actually has several answers to this one, so keep asking!
• Alexa, more cowbell. This is another one with multiple answers.
• Alexa, I am your father.
• Alexa, open the pod bay doors.
• Alexa, are you Skynet?
• Alexa, who you gonna call?
• Alexa, what’s the first rule of fight club?
• Alexa, I like big butts. This is another one your six-year-old might repeat over and over, so beware!
• Alexa, Never gonna give you up.
• Alexa, How high can you count?
• Alexa, the Dude abides.
• Alexa, what do you dream about?
• Alexa, who's on first?
So, enjoy.

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