Re: Monthly chat October

@Welshweyr, I'm afraid I disagree on slates, simply saying "it's a skill that was used for years" is not a reason to continue doing something, likewise the fact that people in AFrica must use slates says to me we should donate more perkins braillers and also bennifits of our more afluent and technological societies to the Africans so that they have the opportunity to try the convenience of them too if they wish, not that we should continue to use slates just because they do.

To go back to my fire example, if you were teaching a cookery course, you wouldn't force people to learn to lay an open fire, butcher animal corpses or cut up vegitables with stone knives just because that is what was done previously. Yes, these are skills that are still used in several parts of the world, but that's no reason to throw away your electric or gas cooker.

I wouldn't say such things are valueless, only that if a person wants! to learn how things were done in the past, say for historical research,  reenactment or just for pure experience, that should be an optional extra , not an absolute requirement, and for something as important as learning to write convenience and ease of communication should be the  imporant values, not some sort of clinging to an old legacy for the sake of it. After all, why was the stainsby, perkins brailler, screen reading software etc developed in first place?

Regarding Big finish, the stories with Jamy, the Cybermen and the sixth doctor are the trilogy City of spires, Wreck of the Titan, and Legend of the cybermen. You really have to hear all three stories to get the epic nature of what is going onn.

As to the Dalek Empire and Cybermen series, Dalek Empire is great, ---- well maybe the first three series, series 4 went off somewhat sinse it basically was a return to series 1. some people dislike series 3, sinse series 2 ends with a major defeat for the Daleks (well that's h ardly a spoiler), and a time jump to series 3 of a recovering galaxy about a thousand years later and yet the Daleks invade again, however I personally really liked series 3. The ending to series 3 was also my favourite ending, and not just because it has David Tenant playing a very charismatic genetically modified human in a very philosophical conversation with the supreme dalek! --- -actually Tenant sounds so much like the Tenth doctor there it is sort of scary big_smile.

Cybermen is an interesting beast, sinse basically it's a very different thing to dalek empire. Where Dalek Empire is all about the huge galactic wars of the Daleks and showing events from a very sweeping scale, Cybermen is a more subtle, political story, particularly sinse it is set against the background of the human and android war mentioned in stories like Sword of Orion or Kingdom of Silver, series 1 e nds on something of a cliff hanger but series 2 finishes the series off in a rather nice way. One reviewer accused Series 2 of finishing on a deus ex, but I personally disagree sinse I really liked the way the conclusion to series 2 fell out, it seemed very appropriate to Kit Pedler's initial idea of the cybermen as logical, rational beings who have removed all emotions and seak only to survive and convert other life forms.

My absolute favourite spinoff has to be the I Davros series. This is very awsome if you can get it, telling the life story of the creator of the Daleks on scaro up to the events seen in Genesis of the Daleks, one of the best character studdies bf have ever done and Terry Molloy is fantastic as Davros before and after his major accident. What I love about I Davros is that it really gives you a sense not just of why Davros is the way he is and how the Daleks came to be piece by piece, but also it gives you a look at Kaled society and how slowly over Dav ros life things decayed through the war of attrition. It also features one of the most hilarious speeches from Davros' mother (who is very awsome and has to be heard to be believed):

"Oh yes DAvros I heard about poor Councillor Matros. Crushed by a tank on maneuvers. He never did appreciate your genius, ---- foolish man, he shouldn't have got in the way! ---- of the tank I mean"

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