How to create a great gamebook?

I don't know, where to post It. Because Gamebooks are also part of developing games. For those term I understand Gamebooks, as a wrotten storries, when reader is in interaction with it.

So, I have a questions, how and why:
Firstly, Darkgrue It is a great tool to create a Gamebooks, which is accessible for Us.
Next, GMA dice too to rolling a die.
Next: Write a status in Notepad It is possible too.
And, here are questions:
Why and to which purposes some gamebooks uses a dice system?
Howmany sides of dice are common in Gamebooks?
What will be super to use in Gamebooks?
Why I have those questions, stupid for somebody?
I would like to create, ofcourse Gamebook. Firstly in My language, nextly in English.
Thanks for Your help, Marco Oros.

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