I'm looking for a free-to-download fantasy adventure game that I can p

Hi, guys! I got directed here by someone on my screen-reader's mailing list. I've always wanted to play some fun games on my own, but I've had to be content with listening to my mum and brother playing games. I at least know what I would like in a gaming experience—as well as being a fan of Pokémon (thanks to the anime for the most part), I really loved Kingdom Hearts and other similar games, fantasy adventures with magic and excitement and treasures to find and enemies to defeat.

Perhaps I'm hoping for too much when I say I would like to find such a game that is free and still a lot of fun, but that's what I'm asking for help finding. I have no desire to rip anybody off—I read the rules and I want as many accessible games as the rest of you—but finances are extremely limited right now, so I don't have many options open to me. Perhaps later on down the road, but not now.

Any help in this matter would be very much appreciated. This site has me very excited!

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