your favorite heroes

Hello all. Now, before I go into this, I need to say a few things. For one, I realize some of you dislike superheroes, like them but hate there movies, or dislike both heroes and there movies. I just need to say, please don't bring that in here. This is a topic for superhero nerds like myself to talk about heroe, villains, superhero movies, and any and all things superhero. I'll start us off. While Superman may be a huge part of the comic book industry today, he remains lower on my top ten list of favorite heroes and villains. Here's the list:
10. Lex Luthor: Villain
while lex luthor may be a huge part of the dc universe, he always kind of annoyed me. He is a great fighter in the game Injustice: Gods among us, but he's kind of just a cocky, stuck up rich guy that hates superman. But, his technologies and evil schemes are quite entertaining.
9. The Joker: Villain
I always liked Batman, but when it comes to villains, Joker just annoys me. Oh, the heath Ledger one from the dark Knight was brilliant, but the Joker from such games as Injustice, Mk VS DCU, and such movies as Batman: Assault on Arkham just annoyed me. However, he always knows how to play a good, though deadly, prank.
8. Ghost Rider: AntiHero
While Marvel Universe is second best to DC in my book, ghost rider always stood out. With his demonic visage, badass motorcycle and amazing weapon, I find him fascinating and just downright bone-chillingly awesome.
7. Green Lantern: Hero
Now Green Lantern is cool. With his power ring to create anything he wants, he can prove quite formidable. If you saw the movie, you know why. That anti aircraft gun was amazing.
6. Green Arrow: Hero
Green arrow is almost, but not quite in the top 5 because a. He's not really my favorite, and b. I don't really see how he can be so cool when all he can do is shoot arrows really well. All that aside, Ollie Quenn is funny, cocky, and he has his own sho w for christ sake. But other than that, he's just, meh. He still gets slot number 6.
5. Doomsday: Villain
Now this monstrosity is amazing.He can crush straight through the earth, take a beating from superman and not be staggered, hell, he's even beaten superman. He's a powerhouse you shouldn't mess with.
4. Zod: Villain
Zod is awesome. He know's Kal-El, Superman's past, and he knows how to weaponize that. He brings out the fight in Superman, and is basically what the Joker is to Batman, other than Lex Luthor.
3. Superman: Hero
Superman is great. He brings what I love to superhero movies. Awesome fight scenes, destruction, and giant fists in villains faces.
2. Wonder Woman: Heroine
No, this isn't girly. I find wonder Woman very very attractive, plus, I'm technically dating her. She's got a warrior's heart, a woman's kindness, and that right amount of supermodel beauty that makes her amazing .
1. Batman: Hero
Batman is my favorite, unchallenged. He has a massive array of gadgets, another massive array of sidekicks, no powers, but he makes up for it in his pure awesomeness. He has taken down superman, fought off the Joker many times, and has only been broken once, by the muscleman know as Bane.

That concludes my top ten list, lets get going, fellow nerds!

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