Re: Windows 10 preview doesn't work in vmware player

You will probably need to get someone to help you with it. There is that talking pre-installation environment but I know nothing about it so cannot speak to whether it works or not, also, I believe it is only for installing 32-bit images.

I guess you could OCR the screen with either Jaws or NVDA with the add-on. The partitioning you could do with the command line but you will have no feedback to whether or not each command has worked so that could be rather unpleasant, especially if you have more than one hard drive installed and you select the wrong one and wipe it. I'll lay out the commands but just be wary of using them and that it is risky and I disclaim all responsibility if you or anyone else decide to use them. But then again, if you are doing it in a VM I guess it doesn't much matter.

diskpart -- from the command prompt accessed by pressing SHIFT + F10 in the windows installer
listdisk -- gives a list of the different disks on the system along with their capacity so you can choose the correct one, 0 will usually be the correct one.
select disk N -- Where N is a number from the listdisk command
clean -- wipes the disk
create partition primary -- creates a primary partition on the selected disk, can be shortened to create part pri
select partition 1 -- Selects a partition to work on, since disk was wiped, 1 will be the one you want
active -- marks the selected partition as active so the OS can see it

You don't need to format the partition in the command line, Windows should do that when it's installing. You would go into custom and just arrow to the partition you want to install it on, since disk 0 is the first drive and there is 1 partition it should be the first option already highlighted. I hope this was of some use.

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