Re: New Game, The Dengemen for Research into Audio and Immersion

Hello, Matt

There are two exciting things about your project that i would like to mention; first, it's the unity engine.
Apparently the engine became very popular recently, and there are many many great (less popular) games developped by it. I can't recall the names, but i believe there were some very nice star trek based games that were developed using unity.
I'm excited to see that an audio-only game is made by this engine, It would be awesome if other developers (plus the developers of unity itself) could also see this opertunity, Then perhaps more  new audio games for blind and visually impaired could be made and released to this small market.

The second thing is, sound design and music production, the field that you're studying.
While you were in this forum, I believe you have noticed that most users here are blind and rely on sounds to play games, and there are various audio games developed for this purpose.
It might b e shocking, but I believe almost nun of these audio games have deticated sound designers or musicians. The developers either have used free-available sounds from the net, or designed sounds by their own equipment. This has led Audiogames to be very cheaply designed in terms of quality compared to other mainstream games such as need4speed, call of duty, battlefield and other titles. This is actually ironic because Audiogames are ment to primarily focus on audio, while other games have to focus on graphics among other things.
The reason for this is very clear; first, the availability of sound designers for this task, second, the cost for hiring such tallents.
Now, I would like to see individuals who are studying in sound and music production like you get onto researches regarding Audiogames, and its audience. The fact that no Visual means is presented, and the audience consists of people who are unable to see and are vision impaired, and They require sounds for positional an d game awareness, descriptions and actions. with all those in mind, I am sure there will be very interesting results in sound production, and maybe more sound designers would pay attention to Audiogames, hence low-cost solutions will be available.

Now regarding your survey
I have a question; is your survey targeting blind users? or only sighted users, or maybe both.
I know you need results and data from the survey for your research, but  Here's something that might help you in your research.
1- Blind players require audio to play games, and they will fully pay attention to it. without sounds, they cannot play games.
2- putting parcial-sighted players aside, blind players do not require any sort of graphic representation and visuals on the screen, sound is the only thing available as the game's output.
3- Some blind users care about game mechanics, some pay more attention to audio quality, while some care for both. they however, have to f ully rely on sounds meanwhile.

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