Re: Blue rose - a visual novel now accessible for the blind

No fiddling round was what I am doing.
I have a topic in general renpy a possible gaming environment.
Having just been refunded the games I got from winterwolves I can safely say that since I have not got any messages from moewars the only other game I was looking at and with the poor quality of most ren py games on the ren py gaming list even those that are accessable, that right now ren py is not for now a viable gaming platform.
Ofcause I will be looking at the list each year and seeing what takes my fancy with the limited themes ren py seems to encourage.
Ren py will probably be hit and miss.
From my discussion with winterwolves for example while the blind can play straight visual novels with choices the rpg element of the engine especially once interactive buttons and the like are added, is completely a no go for us.
Pluss once the engine is customised for other things its no good.
So we can't use anything bar standard games so we are r elying on the story.
I have no idea how to write in ren py but if we could put audio games as visual novels with rpg elements with audio buttons and the like I do wander if they could work in our favour.
Right now though it doesn't look like it matters to much.
Most of the games are quite poor quality and what there is is a bit hit and miss.
I spent 3 days after playing blue rose trying to find something that worked and wanting to play so bad.
I can only assume without saying words like crap and other such things that the engine is still not ready for primetime and as things go we will have to look at it as it goes on.
There is a lot of teen fantasy types of games.
The sad thing is that we as blind can only really play standard visual novels though after I did a little playing I think we can play simple rpgs to like the unknowns series.
We can't play exploration or full graphical games sadly even if they have good voice supports.
Still I do wander how hard it is to write ren py games especially if you are a pythoner since ren py is just a python/ java port so in theory if you know either of those it should be able to be written.
It uses pygame and sdl as core libraries  and is free itself.
The download gives you windows mac and Linux out of the box and editers jedit and standard as well as ios and android can be downloaded and installed as free packages along with the sdks and tutorials and samples so that's most of the work done for you.

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