Re: From choiceofgames

Well sinse I am now playing Yeti's parole officer, I thought I'd reclassify this subject to be about choiceofgames and hosted games generally, not just the shadow horror in particular.

I started this one for two reasons, both because I wanted to try something else short before working up to a hugely long game like Tinstar, and because I wanted to see if indeed I could use my phone in Aeroplane mode and despense with the annoying add panel at the bottom of the screen interfering with vo.

It turns out that yes,  Aeroplane mode does indeed remove annoying adds, which is good to know, although sinse add removal also comes with buying the full game and continuing when you've finished the demo, I won't have to worry about them in Yeti again.

Thus far I'd describe the game more as light hearted than as actually commical, I haven't had any laugh out loud moments although there are obviously points where the author is trying to be hum erous like her cod Newzeeland accents, or the bit where you choose your gender and orientation by deciding whether your skirt, suspenders, handbag or trousers gets court on the entrance door to the starship, despite the fact that, ---- well lots of ladies where trousers who are not! gay, or for that matter lots of ladies who are gay do wear skirts, ---- and while handbag thing is a bit more streight forward (ha ha), well hay I carry a shoulderbag myself and am certainly not gay. Oh, and when you consider all this was supposed to be in the year 1832 anyway, ---- well it all becomes a hole bunch more whacked!

So, minus ten points for the appeals to sterriotypes or indeed any idea of history.

I do enjoy the idea of shifty alien yeti and some of the rolocking good descriptions of ship flight, I also appreciate what I assume is a reference to the very good short Novella A Martian oddyssey with the character of commissioner tweel (although the Martian bird in the novel called Tweel is male).

Lastly, I'm also not sure how much choice there is in the novel, as with heroe's rise it seems more a connected set of incidents with stat tests that you fail or succeed at as opposed to a story with many possible threads.

So, while I definitely don't begrudge the couple of squid this cost, at the moment I'm viewing Yeti's parole officer a little like coca-coler. it's sweet, it's fizzy, it's full of caffein  and it's a nice thing to experience, but not really rich or satisfying or something you'd want too much of big_smile.

Whether of course I change my opinion as I finish the story, ---- well we shal see.

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