> I also am skeptical about how my Benchmark DAC-1's
> marketing copy talks about it being completely
> totally and unanimously immune to jitter.

Having dismantled a DAC-1 I can tell you it is a perfectly vanilla
implementation of ASRC using a standard ADI chip, and it does perform
as advertised WRT to jitter rejection - this feature is _inherent_ in
asynchronous sample rate conversion.

ASRC effectively moves the source of jitter from the s/pdif input DAC's
internal clock. That's fine but it's not necessarily an improvement -
the latest standard s/pdif receiver chips from Crystal, ADI, TI all
have very good jitter attenuation - in fact a good PLL design will
inherently act as filter to clean up the recovered clock however bad it

However, ASRC while it obviously eliminates jitter in the source
signal, does god knows what to the data coming through.

That said, the Benchmark's DAC and amplification stages appear to be
carefully engineered, and measured performance here is great.
Unfortunately real performance is harder to market, but ELIMINATES
JITTER sells. ;)

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