rajacat Wrote: 
> How does it sound? I'm interested in either the Paradisea or the
> Renaissance II from MHDTlabs to work in conjunction with the SB3.

Raja, just to be thorough, you may want to look at Derek Shek's NOS DAC
on eBay. I bought one recently (you can search the other threads). Derek
is great to deal with. When I first got the DAC, I accidentally fried
it, trying to "upgrade" the power supply. I sent it back to him (Hong
Kong!), and he was able to fix it. He didn't even charge me for it
(except the shipping). I will be getting it later this week and setting
it up with my new amp that's coming too. If you want to wait a week or
so, I'll post my opinions about it. A few others that haunt this forum
also have the Shek DAC.

ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=17948

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