adamslim;158059 Wrote: 
> Oh and in terms of power output, the T-amp only has about 5W that is
> useable (well, listenable), and going active may not make a huge
> difference.  With 91dB/W, it'll be fine for a second system but not
> loud, I think.
> Adam

Hypex ( ) have some powerful class D amps - I
would think that using one UcD180 unit per channel should suffice for
most of us! Used with the TR100A transformer and UcD supply ST will
give about 2x85W (One transformer/supply drives both channels). If
that's not enough use a transformer/supply for each channel - Or go for
the UcD700 module ;) I haven't heard these modules myself, but I know
that Hypex are renovned for their subwoofer amps.


SB3, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact, Kimber Kable 4TC and Timbre.
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