I was originally running both my Transporter and SB3 wireless.  The TP
is 4-feet away from my AP (Apple AirPort) and has 100% signal.  I had
setup its AUDIO prefs as NO LIMIT.  The SB3 had a signal strength of
about 70%, but would continually stutter and skip until I set it to a
limit of 320k.

This afternoon, I ran a CAT-5 cable to the TP since it was so close to
the AirPort, taking that traffic away from the wireless, giving more to
the SB3 upstairs.

Now I have everything set to NO LIMIT and it works flawlessly.  I can
stream native audio files without any dropouts or loss of sync between

I should have done this a LONG time ago!!

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego
Eric Seaberg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7896
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