P Floding;178010 Wrote: 
> OK, let me put it this way then:
> Anything physically placed on a component may alter the vibration
> patterns in that component. (So it is not "magic") It may even alter
> magnetic fields generated from within that component.

And it remains to be shown how vibration affects semiconductors.... or
even that it does.  Which is why magical feet on a SB sound like
mysticism: on a turntable: absolutely 100% vibration matters -- the
tone arm is designed to pick up and amplify vibrations, so isolating
the turntable from the music is important (and gets more important the
more money you spend).  And certainly with a tube amp, shaking it will
change the coil's position within the tube, so vibrations affecting the
output make perfect sense.

But it isn't true that an IC upside down has different electrical
characteristics than one rightside up or sideways...

That is why I would question whether ebony (or rubber, or whatever)
feet would have any effect at all on a SB.

I fail to see how an ebony disc will change the electromagnetism, rf,
or anything else in a SB... last I checked wood was a pretty rotten
conductor and non-ferric.  If the magic is moving the SB another 1/4"
away from the RF of the amp it is sitting on... then rubber, pine,
plastic or whatever feet would do.

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