opaqueice;182463 Wrote: 
> You should watch this if you want to see what happens when this disease
> gets totally out of control:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs1aUws0Lrs
> As a bonus it's beautifully filmed.

Great movie ! Thanks

I would LOVE to do blind test on these people :)
Spending 200 000 euro on a system is really way out there. I guess they
have the money though so to each their own. 
I bet their systems doesn't sond THAT much better than mine ... even
with all the lavitation, special EXACTLY 230 V electricity and
aeroplane wings etc  LOL !

And most importantly ... not a system in the world can turn bad music
into good music. The music itself is so much more important than the
system it is playing on.

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