opaqueice;193002 Wrote: 
> The issue here was different - it was whether you hear a difference
> between ALAC->WAV and WAV->WAV, or between ALAC->FLAC and WAV->FLAC.

The comment being discussed was an assertion that "but I found that
reproduction of Apple Lossless files through the SB3 was noticeably
poorer than WAV or AIFF, even after checking that Slimserver was not
transcoding ALAC to MP3 etc."

So the question I had was which File Type was being used when making
this comment...ALAC->FLAC or ALAC->WAV?  He just said that he wasn't
using ALAC->MP3, but didn't specify whether he was using FLAC or WAV. 
If he was using ALAC->FLAC (the default setting), then the comment I
posted was appropriate, because he was then comparing ALAC->FLAC to
WAV->WAV (instead of ALAC->WAV to WAV->WAV)...



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