willyhoops;199124 Wrote: 
> well i like a good debate but this was not much fun. i wrote up my
> thoughts on the subject and will email to various enlightened people to
> see if i am really as mad as you all think. i have an academic friend
> who contributed to the mp4 standard and is on the patent pool.. if he
> sends me a great write up i will post here so you know you are all
> loosers :-) and if he says i am mad you will hear no more :-)

So because he contributed to a codec... that makes him an expert in
public key encryption, key management, economics, contract law,
international law and marketing?  (Since all of those and more would be

You don't need to be an expert in Key Management to see the problem:
look at how fast DVD, HD-DVD and BluRay have been cracked.  You don't
need to be an expert in marketing to know that "oh, just buy a new PC
with a SIM slot!  and a new CD player for your car!  And a new
portable!  etc.." would be a very hard sell for consumers.  Not to
mention the odds of getting all the hardware vendors to agree on a
Single Standard (just whose standard?  and how much will royalty
payments be?), etc.

Perhaps you should put your money where your mouth is and stop pirating
yourself?  I pay for my music, I don't see why you can't.  "Everyone
else does it" is not an excuse.

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