willyhoops;199404 Wrote: 
> If you had been reading the posts and stories you would know that's it
> the smaller lables and artists that are getting killed currently.

... Where on earth did you get that idea?

The independents for the most part are doing better than ever.  They
have managed to use the Internet to build listeners, giving them
artists on Myspace and linking them all together so people can
"explore" and find more music.

Most of them -hate- DRM: since the Indies don't play the payola games
that the Big4 play to get songs on the radio, someone sharing a file is
the best way they have to get people to hear their bands.

Yes, they know that some people are not paying for their music: but
they also know that many more others will discover it and purchase it,
making for a net gain.

and many many more.

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