I was going to respond, but cliveb nailed it... the VU meter relates to
output voltage of the attached machine where 0VU = +4dBm @ 600-ohms
(.775 volts).  Most PRO analog gear was capable of producing an output
of +24dBm before clipping, giving you 20dB of theoretical headroom. 
This is, pretty much, why the broadcast industry settled on -20dBFS as
their standard for digital audio (see below).

As far as DIGITAL metering, there are several standards as to what the
RMS should be in reference to dBFS (full scale).  The standard for
television/dolby digital is -20dBFS where the majority of recording
studios (ProTools, etc) run at -18dBFS.  An earlier 'standard' was
-16... so when is a standard truly a standard?

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego
Eric Seaberg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7896
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