cliveb;213817 Wrote: 
> Pinholes in the aluminium coating on CDs was pretty common back then.
> They were there from the start - it's not an ageing thing. I'd guess
> that perhaps the sputtering technology used wasn't quite perfected at
> the time.

Although there is also the phenomena of disc rot which is real and
document.  (And leaves pin prick sized holes throughout the disc.)

This is supposedly from a manufacturing defect (at least in the
admitted case of Philips-DuPont) and has been corrected.

It is certainly possible that other manufacturers had similar issues
(and manufacturing defects seem to be the problem with various
DVD-and-high-def discs as well).

A CD with advanced discrot will often not play at all: the CD spec is
not designed for shotgun-blasting-pinholes, and eventually enough of
the reflective layer will be eaten that there is no way to correct the
lost data.

But all this is very offtopic.

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