seanadams;214252 Wrote: 
> I think what he was saying is that using the _same_ speakers and mics
> that are used to amplify the live music, it sounds different live
> (through the speakers) than when playing from a recording on the same
> system (through the speakers). The question I guess is whether our
> ADCs, DACs, and storage are "perfect" - the speakers, mics, amplifier,
> and room are irrelevant because they're the same in both cases.

Not quite: it is assuming that the only sound the audience hears is the
sound from the PA system, which isn't true at all in a live performance.
(And why a lot of recordings put microphones in weird places, to pick
up the subtle "live" sounds like fingers touching guitar strings...)

> It's plausible, but I don't buy it as such because it seems impossible
> to control the experiment. I guess one way you might try it is to
> completely isolate (both acoustically and visually) the performer from
> the listener so that neither has any idea whether the listener will be
> hearing him live or recorded. Then play a few bars each way (random
> choice each time) and see if there's a perceptible difference.

The acoustic isolation aspect is essential... see above. :)

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