darrenyeats;251439 Wrote: 
> Eric,
> WAVs take roughly twice the network bandwidth of FLACs. I have no
> problems streaming 16 bit WAVs or 24 bit FLACs over my wireless-G
> network. Haven't tried a 24 bit WAV but if you do the maths it should
> be well within the capacity of even wireless-B.
> I can't imagine many people here using wireless if it wasn't able to
> take lossless streaming, but it's no problem.
> Perhaps you are suffering problems with poor wireless signal. This is a
> different matter to running out of bandwidth with a good signal.
> Darren

I don't have a problem wireless to my SB3s either, but some people
have.  I've spent a lot of time and money on my home network and have
it working GREAT, but not everyone does that.  If you run the SERVER
and any playback devices WIRELESS, I can guarantee you WILL have
bandwidth issues.  It's all about the traffic and a 'theoretical'
bandwidth under IDEAL conditions that none of us will ever see.  

Before I rebuilt my network I was getting 60-70% signal to the SB3s and
still having hiccup and sync issues.  I still have the same strength and
no issues whatsoever, but really planned out the network for traffic.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego
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