kimballhouse;306217 Wrote: 
> In the course of sorting this out I spoke to an audio dealer who
> assured me that the computer system has a huge effect on the sound
> quality coming from a Transporter.  This sounds like a canard and I
> would welcome the input of the forum.  His statment was that the
> 'K-Mixer' in Windows XP wrecks the sound, even if the digital file is
> transfered to a wireless player and stored there.  He further
> maintained that the sound quality from the Transporter would depend on
> the choice of computer system, with Mac better than Vista, better than
> Windows XP, even if all were storing and sending the same uncompressed
> music file.  Is this nonsense?

The audio dealer has no clue what he is talking about.

Ie, that would be true if you were using the PC's sound card and the
myriad of layers of software... But you're not.

Does he believe that if you download a song from iTunes Music Store on
a Mac, it will sound better than the same song downloaded to a PC?

At the core level, the various music players basically do: "GET
/something" from SqueezeCenter, using HTTP.... which is exactly how
iTunes downloads work...

So, really, this dealer is arguing that if you want to use an iPod, you
will get better sound quality on a Mac than on Windows.  The analogy
above is exactly what he is arguing.

He is nuts or, perhaps, he has a vested interest in something else and
wants you to buy that and is either a fool that can not see reality or
he is a liar that doesn't care about reality, only the sale.

I wouldn't buy anything from him ever.

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