honestguv;322582 Wrote: 
> "Studio monitors" are supposed to replay the recorded signal as
> accurately as possible (setting aside questions of directivity) which
> is different to reproducing music accurately.

Yeah, well, there's still a 'color' associated to each set of monitors.
I've been doing the studio thing since 1971 in some of the finest
facilities in the World. Regardless of what I may use at my own
facility (currently using Genelec), when you go to another studio you
take 'files' to play what you KNOW, without a doubt, sound like in your
room.  A great engineer has the ability to 'adjust' his perceived
hearing to compensate for what he KNOWS it sounds like at 'home'.  It
may take some time, but the brain does an amazing job of this.

I've mixed many, MANY albums (that's a CD for those of you who don't
know what an 'album' is) on inferior monitors compared to my own rooms.
With enough listening of known material, my ear/brain combo adjusted to
compensate.  When these mixes were played at my facility, the feeling of
what I heard was EXACTLY how I had 'envisioned' it in the mystery room.

All this to say, the brain is an AMAZING device that, with enough time,
can compensate for inadequacies in gear.  Again, it is a VERY SUBJECTIVE
business, which is what makes it so much fun.  I love 'this mix'... you
'hate it'.  Who's right or wrong...maybe I just hear it more like what
the engineer/producer had in mind.  Does that make me WRONG?!

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego
A.E.S., S.M.P.T.E., S.P.A.R.S.
Eric Seaberg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7896
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