bhaagensen;428020 Wrote: 
> I know some of those tracks in 24/96, and I'm sure also these are good.
> But the sampling rate of the DXD tracks is just ridiculous. There is no
> reason to sample at 352. Almost all the arguments for using, say, 24/96
> over 16/44 are no longer valid in the case of 24/352 over 24/96.
> Moreover Lavry's paper on digital sampling makes it clear that its not
> technically possible to utilise all bits and samples in 24/352. Sample
> at 352 and loose bit-precision.

No doubt you are perfectly correct, but the music still sounds lovely -
and it was free. It is there to be downloaded and tried if you wish. If
you don't, then there's no cause for a coronary, or a world wide ban. 2L
has some excellent stuff. I tend to take the view that if they wish to
make it available, good for them. I enjoyed the tracks; admittedly not
over my sound system: just over my computer speakers. To tell you the
truth, I've also often enjoyed music played over my kitchen radio,
ridiculous though that might be also. I'll get over it. 

The 24/96 tracks I played via my Squeezebox 3 through my Nautilus 802s.
Strangely I enjoyed them also, even though the music is downsampled by

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