michael123;548958 Wrote: 
> Hi
> I am using Transporter with Behringer DEQ2496 in FX loop.
> I can now see clearly that certain albums are recorded with clipping.
> How can I reduce digital amplitude of the signal before it fed into
> DEQ?

You know that won't work?

Once the signal has been lost by idiots in the mastering and recording
stages, it's.. gone.

Ie, assuming a 16bit value (because I have no clue what 2^23rd is, and
cd's are 16bits...), the cd is just a series of ranges between -32768
and +32767.

If the digital signal is clipped, that means instead of having nice
"occasional" spikes to either end, you have flatlines.  There is no way
to remove those flatlines -- even turning down the volume in the digital
domain won't allow "some" of those samples to stay at an extreme -- they
will still be flatlined, just not as loud.

The data is gone forever and nothing you do will get it back.

Think of it this way: if someone totally overdrives a tape and makes it
sound like poop... you can't get that dynamic range back either.  The
dynamics are gone.

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