Julf wrote: 
> I first thought this was a April Fools joke, but seems these guys are
> for real - well, for whatever "real" means. Audiophile Ethernet cable.
> Only €4594 / £3875 / $5886 for a 8 m cable.
> http://www.audioquest.com/ethernet/diamond
> "The correct direction is determined by listening to every batch of
> metal conductors used in every AudioQuest audio cable. Arrows are
> clearly marked on the connectors to ensure superior sound quality. For
> best results have the arrow pointing in the direction of the flow of
> music. For example, NAS to Router, Router to Network Player."
> OK, so while the google search engine infrastructure, the large hadron
> collider database and the human genome project are all OK using standard
> $3 cables, you need a $6000 cable to listen to spotify?

Yes :) by audiophile logic it s SQRT(6000/3)=44.72 times better , the
root is for the law of diminishing returns...

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