Wombat wrote: 
> That must be this 'midddle-of-the-road' thing. Still i don´t get this
> exatly. Is being the 'middle' of a clown and a subjectivist maybe a
> jerk? I really don´t know.

Not sure what to make of your comment. 

However, when it comes to my preferences, I hear what I hear and like
what I like. I don't spend time trying to pretend that my perception
yields some universal truth that deems others inferior if they don't
hear the same thing. And I don't ascribe all change in my perception to
a brand of cable or special piece of kit with the latest version of
audio quantum mechanics theory. 

I happily admit that I am the biggest variable in my system. 

There are times I've been listening and have been interrupted by a phone
call. Coming back, I notice that the same album now sounds different -
sometimes better, sometimes worse. In reading audio forums for a number
of years, it seems a good subjectivist would feel compelled to find an
outside technical factor in explanation of the change. A contaminated
electrical supply to the house would seem a favorite in this

Me? I simply assume some aspect of my mental or physical state has
changed a smidgen. If that makes one a jerk, then I plead guilty. ;-)

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