bzlrbi wrote: 
> After a couple months of aggravation, I've finally convinced my
> insurance company and their designated electronics repair folks that my
> Transporter is not repairable.  It got zapped in an electrical storm. 
> The unrepairable part is in the pre-amp section: it buzzes if connected
> from the analog outputs to an integrated amp (which, somehow, took them
> two months and three visits to my home for them to agree with me).  
> Anyway, the insurance company have already given me $1300 (ignoring the
> deductible) "replacement cost" and will give me up to another $700 if I
> spend up to $2000 to "replace" it (as you can still get an unopened unit
> via Amazon for this price).  The good news is that the digital part of
> the Transporter seems AOK... it streams fine, and if you run it through
> another DAC, no buzz at all. The repair company is going to return the
> unit (once again).
> So, I think I could buy an external DAC for up to $2000 and, basically,
> get a $700 "discount" on it.  If I don't spend more than $1300, I leave
> that $700 "on the table".
> What would you do?

I went from a dac1 to Nad M51 and the difference is quite large (suppose
it was double the price), you also get a world class digital preamp with
the Nad which is probably worth the money in itself + HDMI input which
sounds very good as well.

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