philippe_44 wrote: 
> Quick question: you've lost me here ... I fully agree with you wrt the
> insanities I'm reading like "this NAS or this hardrive is giving a much
> deeper sound" - this is laughable, but intermediate steps do not matter,
> they really don't. Your signal can come from Mars, being encoded with a
> on a RF carrier with any sort of phase, frequency, amplitude, spreading
> modulation, then carried light (EM still) on optical fiber cables, then
> transmitted by people beating drums if you want, it does not matter at
> all - that's why we have invented error correction codes, to make all
> this lossless (oh well, okay, yes, the BER is never 0 but it can be as
> low as you want, as long as you do not try to violate Shannon's
> theorem). But, when you do the D/A conversion, this is where shit
> happens and this where also noise can be re-injected by some proximity
> interferers - but this is very close proximity, not the ethernet cable
> between my computer source and the next switch.
> Maybe I missed your point

It is a slight possibility to inject noise at the last leg , but as
Archimagos measurment shows it does not actually happen in practice with
normal equipment he uses rather crummy switches etc to hammer in the
piont . And if the player has some of the shelf recovering circuit it
would also work just fine .

The ethernet interface is engineered to be rather trouble free . It
would be rare exceptional cases when this do not work . It is two
current loops with isolation in both ends rather low impedance in bot
sender and reciever so it's not prone to pick up noise by design .

In industrial environments you could sometimes use shielded cat cables ,
but at home they are not necessary and actually could be one of these
rare cases when can get a noise problem ! so the default is not to use
shielded cat cables at home then you migth just connect the computer
ground to your hifi ground .

So in practical use you don't see weird noise transfer that interfere
with the DAC it would pop out in this kind of test .

And the kicker is that if you have this exceptionally rare problem an
audiophile cable is not the solution :) they don't provide anything you
could not get in another cable from a normal vendor . And if they do
it's often of spec " modifications " that makes them worse than standard
cables .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(spares Touch, SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux
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