rgro wrote: 
> 1906319064
> Ralph, it's pretty simple.  The John Swenson of Uptone Audio fame (or
> infame as it were) IS the chap who designed and engineered the Regen for
> Upton Audio and, as I understand it, Alex Crespi is the owner of Uptone
> Audio.  There is every reason for that John Swenson, as the
> engineer/designer of their products,  to be all over that website.   
> The other John Swenson is a long-time writer and current music
> reviewer/contributor for Stereophile.   As far as I know, he does not
> design or engineer Regens or any other audio gear; he writes and he's
> been a writer for decades.  He has nothing to do with Uptone, he write
> f-ing articles for god's sake.   Since you've elected not to take the
> time to do even the simplest of research, here's his bio: 
> http://www.rocksbackpages.com/Library/Writer/john-swenson.
> The guy on the left is the music writer, the nerd on the right is the
> engineer.  Are you satisfied, now, that--at least in this case--- there
> is no plot by either Swenson to control our minds?

guy on the left looks like he's wearing a disguise, could be the same
person. Why wear a hat and beard indoors ?

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