ralphpnj wrote: 
> Not to pick a fight but your knowledge of jazz is rather limited. For
> example the group Mostly Other People Do the Killing has no vinyl
> available but plenty of CDs and downloads, the same is true for J.D.
> Allen and countless others. Plus the vinyl is way more expensive and, in
> the case of most jazz releases, offers no better dynamic range than the
> CD. Plus I haven't yet figured out how to play vinyl on my Squeezeboxes
> :)
> On the other hand, bandcamp offers many recordings on vinyl but again
> the selection for jazz on vinyl is also very limited and hit and miss.

Ah, sorry I thought you were referring to pop/rock releases because of
this line.

> These days it seems that only a handful of popular music recordings are
> available on vinyl.

You're right, I know nothing about jazz releases on vinyl :D  But as you
say jazz/classical are great on digital anyway because the production
engineers aren't wrecking them.

Modwright Transporter/SBT/SBR/Boom

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