edwardthern wrote: 
> No IDIOT, I never said my perception = a scientific FACT.
> I said my perception is my perception PERIOD. 
> I said repeatedly that science can not prove my perception yet it is
> real to me....
> Dark Energy.Matter can not be measured either, only we can measure
> directly a very small % of reality....good thing scientist are not
> idiots too, otherwise they might say "Hey we can't measure the 80% +/-
> of whats missing so lets just say it does not exist"
> You fools think you are so smart...but you are really far more stupid in
> a basic common sense level than a child.

Thank you for the insults! 

You seem rather unhappy. Tell us again why you're here.  

(P.S., If you're trying to raise your blood pressure, you'll probably
get even better results over at hydrogenaud.io...)

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