Antoniop wrote: 
> Yes, after posting, I saw the posts about the SE, clearly it would be a
> better option, even if I like the big knob :). 
> I don't care about the color display and I'm not convinced about 24/96.
> But keeping (well, I'll keep it anyway) the touch an put a bit more
> money on the rest is not bad too. Interesting products these Nads,
> thanks !

Back to the start of this thread -- buying a TP would allow you to keep
the Touch and have it as a back-up; they're not making any more of
either of these.


LMS on a dedicated server (FitPC3)
Transporter (Ethernet) - main listening, Onkyo receiver, Paradigm
Touch (WiFi) - home theater 5.1, Sony receiver, Energy speakers
Boom 1 (WiFi) - work-space
Boom 2 (WiFi) - various (deck, garage, etc.)
Radio (WiFi) - home office
Control - Squeeze Control (Android mobile), 2 Controllers (seldom used),
Squeeze Remote (on Surface Pro 4)
Touch x 1 - spare
UE Radio x 1 - spare
Boom x 1 - spare
Controller x 1 - Spare
Duet Receiver (backup)
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