drmatt wrote: 
> No, I do think that a well done room correction would always be a good
> thing. Like human perception of white balance (or rather colour
> constancy) though you always know what colour things are in a scene the
> overall white balance is perceived as a mood rather than a colour shift.
> Fix the white balance and you change the mood without changing the
> perceived image itself..
> -Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

Hi Doc!

Yet again, I find myself chewing the fat with you, in a respectful way,
of course.

As a keen amateur photographer, I am well aware of the concept of white
balance, which is why I always process the raw images from my Nikon DSLR
in Adobe Lightroom before (sometimes!) exporting them as JPEGs to
Photoshop for the stuff that Lightroom won't do.

Nevertheless, still photographic images are intended to make an instant,
almost subliminal assault upon your visual faculties, which is a totally
different thing to using your music system on a regular basis to listen
to continuously & constantly changing music programmes.

So I stand by my previously stated opinion, whilst accepting that I
cannot disprove your position any more than you can disprove mine...

Dave  :cool:

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