Thanks again for your help.  Between your replies and calmly reading the
manual, I have a better understanding of what's going on.  I've set the
Gain to -10dB and that seems a good balance between the volume being too
low in my system and seeing excessive clipping.  The Silverlight problem
may be a x64/x86 thing; instead I can access settings via my Squeezebox
phone apps (Squeeze Commander and Orange Squeeze).

What I found initially confusing is that you can only see a limited
range of adjustment (for Balance and Width, for example).  If you wish
to go beyond this range, you need to select the most extreme value
visible then "Back & Re-select" and additional range options will appear
beyond the extreme you selected.  Setting Balance to "2" (left down
1dB/right up 1dB) took several of these back-and-forth iterations to
finally see the radio button for the setting I wanted.

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