Hi Raphael.


> How about something like this:

>    let token = (mapping | pwdrecord | record_nobreak)* . (mapping | pwdrecord 
> | record_nobreak)

How is that different from this token definition?


let token = (mapping | pwdrecord | record_nobreak)+


And how does record_nobreak look for you? If it is record as I have defined it 
without break at its end, then I don't think that will work. Evectively 
record_nobreak then assumes that all lines/nodes, that are not matched by 
either Util.empty, Util.comment, mapping or pwdrecord belong to a 
record_nobreak node. Did I understand you right?







From: Raphaël Pinson [mailto:raphael.pin...@camptocamp.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 4:28 PM
To: Mol, Xavier (SCC)
Cc: augeas-devel@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [augeas-devel] How to insert empty nodes in Augeas trees?




On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 2:32 PM, Mol, Xavier (SCC) <xavier....@kit.edu> wrote:

Hi Raphael,


a concrete example snippet might look similar to what I've done with the unit 
tests (see test_kpwd.aug in attachements). The important lens in this context 
is called 'record' in kpwd.aug. That lens has to consume an unknown number of 
lines from a configuration file, until it encounters a blank line. At first I 
was looking for Util.empty, which worked fine, until I wanted to code a put 
unit test, hence the inquery of how to include empty nodes in an Augeas tree. 
After all, the better solution was to look for two line breaks (Util.eol . del 
"\n" "\n"), which doesn't generate, nor require empty nodes in the Augeas tree.


Then you brought up that we might encounter the end of a file, instead of line 
breaks, which I don't know how to handle with Augeas parsing. Because of that 
very issue, all of my custom lenses require each configuration file to end on a 
new line. Simply making the eol optional causes a lot of ambiguities and eof 
doesn't have a string representation, so there is no regular expression for 
matching it explicitly. Unless you know something that I don't. J




How about something like this:



    let token = (mapping | pwdrecord | record_nobreak)* . (mapping | pwdrecord 
| record_nobreak)










From: Raphaël Pinson [mailto:raphael.pin...@camptocamp.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 2:12 PM

To: Mol, Xavier (SCC)
Cc: augeas-devel@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [augeas-devel] How to insert empty nodes in Augeas trees?


Do you have concrete examples of what you're trying to achieve, so I understand 


On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 2:05 PM, Mol, Xavier (SCC) <xavier....@kit.edu> wrote:

Hi Raphael,


no, I need an empty line after Uitl.eol, before any other text. But you bring 
up an interesting point, that my lens doesn't recognize the end of a file, 
which could be accepted all the same, without requiring an actual empty line. 
But how can I match the end of a file?





From: Raphaël Pinson [mailto:raphael.pin...@camptocamp.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 1:31 PM

To: Mol, Xavier (SCC)
Cc: augeas-devel@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [augeas-devel] How to insert empty nodes in Augeas trees?


It's common to end every line with a Util.eol, which defaults to a newline. Or 
do you mean that you need an empty line at the end of the file?





On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 12:58 PM, Mol, Xavier (SCC) <xavier....@kit.edu> wrote:

Hi Raphael, all,


some more finding about this…


Neither 'touch', nor 'rename' can be used during a put unit test. Also, relying 
on Augeas users to do this just to insert a line break, which is required for a 
valid configuration file, is ugly and error prone. This workaround still may be 
used to add additional empty lines to a configuration file just to improve 
readability (where they don't break anything), so still a useful lesson. Though 
for my custom lens, I have decided to look for and create empty lines by 
default, as with any string literal. This way, the Augeas tree doesn't need to 
feature empty nodes and empty lines will be added in put direction 


Thank you again for your time,



From: augeas-devel-boun...@redhat.com [mailto:augeas-devel-boun...@redhat.com] 
On Behalf Of Mol, Xavier (SCC)
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 10:27 AM
To: Raphaël Pinson

Cc: augeas-devel@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [augeas-devel] How to insert empty nodes in Augeas trees?


Hi Raphael,


thank you again for your quick and helpful reply!





From: Raphaël Pinson [mailto:raphael.pin...@camptocamp.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 10:25 AM
To: Mol, Xavier (SCC)
Cc: augeas-devel@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [augeas-devel] How to insert empty nodes in Augeas trees?


Hello Xavier,



I was going to say that was not possible, but I actually (to my great surprise) 
found a way to do it:


    augtool> touch /files/etc/fstab/01

    augtool> rename /files/etc/fstab/01 ""

    rename : /files/etc/fstab/01 to  1

    augtool> save

    Saved 1 file(s)


Just added an empty line at the end of /etc/fstab









On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 10:06 AM, Mol, Xavier (SCC) <xavier....@kit.edu> wrote:

Hello Augeas experts,

is there a way to insert empty nodes in an Augeas tree? I've made a lens, that 
expects an empty line as last part (Util.empty), which works fine with existing 
files. However, when inserting a new node in the tree with that lens, the 
closing empty line is missing. Do I need to have a labelled node in the tree 
without value or children, that simply puts an empty line in the resulting 
string instead?

Thank you for your time,

Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT)
Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC)

B. Sc. Xavier Mol
GridKa Storage Administrator and Support Manager

Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
Geb. 449
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Phone: +49 721 608 23041 <tel:%2B49%20721%20608%2023041> 
Email: xavier....@kit.edu
KIT - University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and National Large-scale 
Research Center of the Helmholtz Association
"Since 2010, the KIT has been certified as a family-friendly university."

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Raphaël Pinson

Infrastructure Developer & Training Leader

+33 458 482 013


Camptocamp France
Savoie Technolac
BP 352
48, avenue du Lac du Bourget
73372 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex



Raphaël Pinson

Infrastructure Developer & Training Leader

+33 458 482 013


Camptocamp France
Savoie Technolac
BP 352
48, avenue du Lac du Bourget
73372 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex



Raphaël Pinson

Infrastructure Developer & Training Leader

+33 458 482 013


Camptocamp France
Savoie Technolac
BP 352
48, avenue du Lac du Bourget
73372 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex






Raphaël Pinson

Infrastructure Developer & Training Leader

+33 458 482 013


Camptocamp France
Savoie Technolac
BP 352
48, avenue du Lac du Bourget
73372 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

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