I am pleased to announce the release of Augeas 1.8.0. This release features
a number of lens improvements and a new lens for Radicale
<http://radicale.org/>. In addition, the commands 'source', 'context' and
'info' have been added to augtool, and the API has an 'aug_source' call to
determine the file to which a tree node belongs. Some internal improvements
also dramatically reduce the total amount of memory used when all lenses
are loaded.

As always, lots of thanks to all the contributors, and to Raphael Pinson
and Dominic Cleal for all their work in comaintaining the project.

For a full list of changes, check the NEWS[1] file on github.

Tarball:              http://download.augeas.net/augeas-1.8.0.tar.gz
GPG signature:  http://download.augeas.net/augeas-1.8.0.tar.gz.sig

[1] https://github.com/hercules-team/augeas/blob/master/NEWS
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