On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 12:28:32AM +0100, Xyne wrote:
> The wrapper function is never executed so I don't see how this is an
> issue. 

I know it's not executed. Actually it's being executed wouldn't be any
problem, so far as this issue goes, because the shell would hit the exit.

> The only possible issue would be that the parser would miss the
> exit and set variables that are set after it

Yes exactly.

> but that's not really an
> issue either. If someone creates such a PKGBUILD, the PKGBUILD itself
> is invalid so it doesn't make any different if the parser assigns
> variables before or after the exit.

It depends on what your code does with the variables (now or in the
future). I agree that nothing so far on that table must
break here. But one might be _tempted_ to think additionally that the
variables we extract with this method will only contain valid bash
syntax. I'm saying that's not true (unless we took special steps to
guard against these tricks).

If one didn't see that it's not true, one might later try to evaluate
some parts of those variables---e.g. what looks like a "$(uname ...)". And then
exploits would threaten.

But if all you'll ever be doing is getting Bash to format the function, and then
thereafter *only* ever treating what you've got as text, never as code, yeah 

Jim Pryor

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