Am Sonntag, den 05.04.2009, 08:19 -0500 schrieb Chris Brannon:
> Stefan Husmann wrote:
> > the voting period for Defcon has ended, and he did not get the majority 
> > of votes. He got four times "yes", eleven times "no" and four abstains.
> > So, that is democracy, but it would be nice if there would be some 
> > discussion about the reasons for the failure.
> I looked at Defcon's PKGBUILDs.  Here's a (hopefully constructive) suggestion.
> When applying, point out the work that *you* have done.
> Mention those packages that you contributed, I.E., those
> that aren't adopted. 

Packages that are not adopted? Well, to find a package that is
interesting is not easy, the more so as in AUR are already a lot of
packages. So i adopt it, because it is important that the orphaned
packages are evolved, i think.
It's no use that in AUR are many many packages, and more of them are

>  If you put some serious effort into an adopted package,
> mention that as well.
> What have you done that makes you proud?  Tell us about it.

Proud? What has that got to do with the price of fish?

Arch Linux is a wondeful distro, and i like it to build packages.
Ok, some PKGBUILDs here and there needs improvement, but there is
nothing that can't be learn.


> -- Chris
Jens Maucher <>
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