2009/4/6 José Valecillos <valecillo...@gmail.com>:
> Then you must add all the past Contributors, even if they are 10 or 100?. On
> the other hand, in the web interface or when you install the package it
> don't show anything about the contributor, this should be there I think,
> dont' you?. I mean, you only can know who is the contributor if you open the
> PKBUILD directly.
> However, there are things more importants to discuss. This is really
> irrelevant if you think about it.

Agreed. Let's stick to the one which was mostly agreed upon
last time; that is any one who maintains the package anywhere
can add a Maintainer tag and past contributors be listed in the PKGBUILD.

I've filed a bug report to remove this info from namcap:


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