On 14.02.2013 06:40, Federico Cinelli wrote:
> For the past six months I've been working on getting more in-tune with the 
> forums.
> I've recently started answering posts on the forums and working with people 
> that
> request PKGBUILDs.

I found 6 bbs posts and 5 posts to the MLs all from this year. Not sure
what to think about that.

> My latest addition to the AUR evansi0n (used for jailbreaking iOS 6.x)
> was the last request I've answered from the forum. I also spend a majority of 
> my time
> on the IRC channel helping with live support.

Now that I like and from a quick look you were way more active over
there. Given Daniel and you talked quite a lot I'll assume you know what
you're doing.

> I've also began developing my own application which is an Automotive 
> Diagnostic Tool which
> uses OBD2 through USB to help bring bring the automotive industry into Linux. 

Is that open source and do you have a link to source and/or documentation?

> You can find a list of PKGBUILDs that I maintain here:
>     - cinelli (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=Cinelli)

Quite a lot of VCS packages there, but that's strictly not a bad thing.
Some packages still don't use package().

> Also, I would be interested in taking the following from the AUR into 
> [community]:
> [..]
>     - velox (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/velox/)
>     - evasi0n (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/evasi0n/)

Those don't have enough votes (yet)

evasi0n's PKGBUILD also exports LD_LIBRARY_PATH in package() without any
comment why you'd want to do that.

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