On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 09:21:58AM +1300, Jonathan Conder wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've been pretty busy lately and haven't been able to find the time to fix
> bugs and keep my packages up-to-date. Lately I haven't actually been using
> any of the packages I maintain, so I think the time has come to pass them
> on to someone with the time and motivation to maintain them. So, without
> further ado, I hereby tender my resignation as a TU. I wish you all the
> best and hope you continue doing the things which make Arch so great.
> Best,
> Jonathan
> P.S. I've had trouble getting GPG and gmail to play together, so I've
> attached the contents of this message and signed that instead of signing
> the email itself.

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi everyone,
> I've been pretty busy lately and haven't been able to find the time to fix 
> bugs and keep my packages up-to-date. Lately I haven't actually been using 
> any of the packages I maintain, so I think the time has come to pass them on 
> to someone with the time and motivation to maintain them. So, without further 
> ado, I hereby tender my resignation as a TU. I wish you all the best and hope 
> you continue doing the things which make Arch so great.
> Best,
> Jonathan
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
> wBCzQnx7MCGNgBAZ3eDdFJR4txhZOtt740aO8O4ZhihUed/YR0lJwb72C6qP4dcf
> u5OIFFEdHF+iZqJ+34hPD7QkmVJUYxs+f5xeBlK4ETYNo3mtOU/SreyLLj7yviLG
> jz2e20tFK0sfOyeglKKJpMC8EOzn2ARufLPlZxV8TFUj0pN2uSOoT2Gm6Ifj2KRn
> SNv3PpZDitRwMfWRbxMOCSvHl8+KAKZwzKloEThSPFAzrjuSWyWb2+poDwE4YcRL
> McMBEyqC6jQNA0BTpZ6R3XYNbwgwFllkHij+ONKn4xd5R5Nrq7sRYzgGrZNUplA=
> =dxpV

Sad to see you leave, thanks for all the great things you have done for

Enjoy what the future brings you :)


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Description: PGP signature

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